
Explore My News,
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Our main ministry here in Swaziland is making friends with everyone and anyone we meet, whether in our office, on the street, in the rural area, in the hospital, in the squatter camp, or on our homestead. We desire to show them the true love of Christ: one that is greater than poverty, greater than AIDS, greater than ancestral holds. Yule is one of these friends…He always seems to be at the grocery store, street corner, or pizza place when we’re there. Sometime I think he just waits on the street for someone from AIM to drive by. Everyone here at AIM knows Yule!!!

Yule is one of thousands of people in Swaziland suffering from AIDS. He has also just recently been diagnosed with TB, and is on medication for it. We often see him with kleenex up his nose and in his ears because he can’t control the bleeding.

We ran into Yule on Christmas day while we were ordering our Christmas dinner (it was Pizza). We had the privilege of sitting with him while he ate the fruit, juice, milk and sandwiches we gave him. It was great to see him laugh and smile on Christmas.

Please pray for Yule…Pray that He won’t only want money or food, but that He will truly want Christ…

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