
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

We have been in India for a month now, and God has been moving in huge ways. Much of our time has been spenting hanging out and loving the staff and children at the orphanage that AIM supports. We have also been spending a lot of time at a leper colony. God has completely broken my heart for this place, and taken my heart to depths of compassion it has not seen in some time. They are some of the most gracious, generous, humble people I have ever met…and no, they are not ‘yet’ believers. Please pray for us in this area: that language barriers would be broken, and the gospel recieved.

Right now, we are preparing for our teams arrival in two days (June 9th). There are 18 students who we will be leading in ministry and discipleship for two months. They will be serving Jesus at three different leper colonies, three orphanages and a slum here in Delhi. Please pray for wisdom and discernment as we lead this team.

This is Shibu and me at Emmanual Orphanage where our students will be teaching school. When we were in India in 2005, we spent two weeks at an orphanage about 7 hours (by train) from Delhi. Shibu and I became very good friends. It was a huge surprise when we arrived at the orphanage here in Delhi and found that he had moved and is now living so close to us!

Jitender is one of the oldest boys at Asha House. He is an amazing man of God, and has a desire to serve Him in the hard places!

4 responses to “The Team’s Coming”

  1. Thanks for the update! Looking forward to learning more about India and seeing what God is doing there.

  2. So good to see a couple of pictures! I can’t believe that Shibu is there now, he must have been so glad to see you again! I think of those kids all the time, I’m so thankful to know that you both are there for them now.